SynchroArts - Vocalign Pro 4.2.2 (Aug 2020)

VocALign Pro 4 is the most advanced version of the legendary VocALign program, providing instant tight alignment of one audio signal to another. Simply capture a Guide signal with the right timing, capture a Dub signal to be aligned, press one button, and a new aligned Dub is generated and returned to your DAW.

Fast, Automatic Alignment with Advanced Functionality

VocALign Pro 4 is the most advanced version of the legendary VocALign program, providing instant tight alignment of one audio signal to another. Simply capture a Guide signal with the right timing, capture a Dub signal to be aligned, press one button, and a new aligned Dub is generated and returned to your DAW.

Features of SynchroArts Vocalign Pro 4.2.2
  • Automatically analyzes the energy patterns of two audio signals and edits one to match the timing of the other.
  • Includes basic and advanced alignment and editing algorithms.
  • Works with voice, musical instruments and sound effects.
  • Provides time saving and quality benefits for ADR, tightening double tracked vocals and backing harmonies, foreign language dubbing, etc.
  • Simple, intuitive Audio Suite, AAX, VST3 and AU plug-in integration for most popular DAWs.
  • The Pitch of aligned audio is unchanged.
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Kazrog - True Iron v1.1.2 (Aug 2020)

True Iron is a new plugin made by Shane McFee in conjunction with Devin Powers (Powers Music Company). It accurately emulates four classic line transformers, known for their use in many of the biggest names in vintage analog outboard sound processing (models are based on the UTC 108 X, the Malotki E4M – 4001B, and new in version 1.1 – the Western Electric 111C, and the Haufe V178.)

Bonus: Take a look behind the scenes at some of the transformers that inspired the plugin.
Check out the True Iron User Guide (PDF) for more information about each classic line transformer.

These transformers add weight, heft, and girth to your mixes and masters. The plugin features adjustable strength, input impedance, wet/dry ratio, and a special “Crush” control to add fat transformer saturation to tracks and buses. Plus, the CPU usage of the plugin is low enough that you can add it to every track or bus in a mix for added virtual analog warmth across your entire mix.

Features of Kazrog True Iron v1.1.2

  • 4 transformer emulations in one plugin – Models are based on the UTC 108 X, the Malotki E4M – 4001B, the Western Electric 111C, and the Haufe V178.
  • Strength – Adjust the tendency toward nonlinearity of the transformer, continuously variable to allow boosts and cuts in warmth while maintaining the large headroom classic transformers are known for, throughout the range of the control.
  • Wet/Dry Mix control – Blend just as much True Iron as you want into each track and bus in your mix, to taste.
  • CPU Friendly – Run an instance of True Iron on every track and bus to elevate your mix without noticeably taxing your CPU.
  • Selectable input impedance – Unity (default) for convenient dropping into existing projects without apparent loudness changes, and boost for the most accurate emulation of the input stage of the modeled hardware.
  • Crush and Crush 2x – Add warm overdrive or distortion to your tracks, emulating the sound of transformers pushed beyond their intended operating range with up to +48dB of auto compensated gain.
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Infinit Essentials - Infinit Vibes (Aug 2020)

Infiniti Vibes is a new VST plug-in designed to create ambiance in seconds. This plugin contains over 150 factory presets that provide high quality modern sound.

This plugin is also loaded with effects such as 2 reverb options: Reverb / Convolution Reverb / Delay with Left and Right Delay / High and Low Pass Filters / Chorus / Built-in Band EQ / Vibrato / Limiter / Width / Slide / Octave / Built-in Arpeggiator / and built-in user manual.

The sounds included in this VST are completely customized and created from the ground up by some of the best sound engineers in the game. This plugin is guaranteed to fit into any genre such as hip hop, trap, R&B, pop, country and many more.

Use amazing bells, keyboards, strings, choirs, synthesizers, guitars, flutes and more to create new hits for your projects. Take your songs and producing to the top of the charts with Infinit Vibes VST - get ready to set the atmosphere!

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Arturia - Instruments Collection 7 (Aug 2020)

Arturia.CMI. V.v1.6.1.3858.OSX
Arturia.Modular.V3.v3 .6.1.3854.OSX
Arturia.SEM.V2 .v2.6.1.3856.OSX
Keyboards & Piano
Arturia.Mellotron.V. v1.2.1.3854OSX
Arturia.VOX. Continental.V2.v2.6.1.3854.OSX

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Arturia - 6x3 FX Collection (Aug 2020)

The result of decades of dedicated research, analysis, and modelling, these 15 superb effects will totally transform the way you record and mix your music. Combining history’s finest outboard effects, console components, and pedals with fresh, contemporary features and abilities, FX Collection is an essential tool for the modern producer.
Features of Arturia 6×3 FX Collection 2020.8
3 Compressors:
Comp VCA-65 v1.1.0
Comp FET-76 v1.1.0
Comp TUBE-STA v1.1.0

3 Delays:
Delay ETERNITY v1.1.0
Delay TAPE-201 v1.1.0

3 Filters:
Filter M12 v1.2.0
Filter MINI v1.3.0
Filter SEM v1.2.0

3 Modulators:
Chorus DIMENSION-D v1.0.0
Flanger BL-20 v1.0.0
Phaser BI-TRON v1.0.0

3 Preamps:
Pre 1973 v1.2.0
Pre TridA v1.2.0
Pre V76 v1.2.0

3 Reverbs:
Rev INTENSITY v1.0.0
Rev PLATE-140 v1.1.0
Rev SPRING-636 v1.0.0

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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VSTbuzz - The Showroom Violin KONTAKT (Aug 2020)

The Showroom Violin is a gorgeous solo violin sample library, featuring a massive 14 individual articulations and 5 different microphone positions.

This is a incredibly flexible, intimate and beautiful instrument that can easily stand out in a track on its own, making it perfect for film, game & TV composers, pop, rock and so much more!

The Showroom Violin offers 5 completely different microphone positions to choose from. Load all or just some of them to create a dryer / wetter sound as desired. The microphone positions on offer are:
– Large diaphragm condensor
– Small diaphragm condensor
– Ribbon mic
– Vintage mic
– Ambient mic

Along with a range of microphone positions, we’ve also included 18 beautiful reverb IRs to choose from, ranging from rooms and halls to chambers and arenas.

* Legato articulations:
– Slurred Legato – changing notes with the finger only (not bow) for a smooth transition
– Bowed Legato – changing notes with the finger and bow, for a more noticeable change , (mix with slurred legato for a realistic performance)
– Polyphonic – play multiple notes together at the same time

* Shorts
– Col Legno – striking the string with the stick, rather than hair of the bow
– Pizzicato – plucking the string
– Spiccato – bouncing the bow on the string
– Slides Up – sliding up to the note

* Long articulations:
– Sul pont – bowed near the bridge to give more harmonics / nasal tone
– Tremolo – single note played repeatedly with the bowe
– Harmonics – natural harmonics created by lightly touching the string with the finger an octave above the fingered note , (light and ethereal sound)
– Trills S-Ton – rapidly alternating between two notes, a semitone above the played note
– Trills Ton – rapidly alternating between two notes, a tone apart
– Trills Min3 – rapidly alternating between two notes, a minor 3rd apart
– Trills Maj3 – rapidly alternating between two notes, a major 3rd apart

* The Showroom Violin is perfect for film/TV/game underscore, pop, rock and anything that requires a beautiful, lush solo violin!

– 14 articulations to choose from
– 5 microphone positions on offer
– Natural vibrato recorded for a realistic sound
– 18 additional reverb IRS with “size” and “amount” controls
– 10,000 samples recorded
– 3.37 gig uncompressed
– One single patch – no constant switching patches for different articulations
– NCW compression to reduce file size (full size 5GB before compression)
– Requires KONTAKT v5.6.5 or higher
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Native Instruments - Kontakt 6 v6.4.0 FIXED (Aug 2020)

With KONTAKT 6, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the world’s favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imagine.

Changelog 6.4.0 — 2020-08-26

•New Dynamic Effects, new Main Effects Module.
•ADDED There are now two new effects for dynamic processing (SUPERCHARGER GT, Transparent Limiter)
•ADDED There is now a new Main Effects signal processing module
•ADDED New constants for the argument when setting and getting engine parameters ($NI_SEND_BUS, $NI_INSERT_BUS, $NI_MAIN_BUS)
•IMPROVED The number of maximum MIDI object export areas has been increased to 512
•ADDED KSP A new constant that defines which area should be used when dragging from a specific label ($CONTROL_PAR_MIDI_EXPORT_AREA_IDX)
•ADDED KSP A new command that defines the number of MIDI object export areas mf_set_num_export_areas()
•ADDED KSP A new command mf_copy_export_area() is used to manage the usage of the new additional export areas
•ADDED KSP New bindings for Inverter and Amplifier parameters for Phase Invert and L/R swap ($ENGINE_PAR_PHASE_INVERT, $ENGINE_PAR_LR_SWAP)
•ADDED KSP A new constant allows up to 16 custom event parameters to be assigned ($EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM)
•IMPROVED Effects can now be replaced with a right mouse click
•IMPROVED Saving the name of a custom snapshot by pressing “Enter” is now supported
•FIXED Since Kontakt 6.3.0 folder locations with a slash directly in the path would not be stored by Kontakt
•FIXED KSP Showing and hiding a label with a drop target did not work correctly
•FIXED Replika BBD Type, Diffusion Amount, Diffusion Mod and Diffusion Density did not correctly recall values
•FIXED When used as a send effect, Replika return parameter did not behave correctly
•FIXED Kontakt would crash in certain edge cases when manually entering values in edit fields
•ADDED New factory KSP multi script Remap Keyboard
•IMPROVED Tweaks to the factory KSP multi script Change Keys
•ADDED Replika, Plate Reverb and Send Effects Chain additional presets

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]
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Ample Sound - Ample Guitar Telecaster v3.1.0 (Aug 2020)

Ample Guitar TC aim to bring a Fender Telecaster (John English Masterbuilt) sound to your studio.
* Size:7.5 GB
* Neck, Bridge two sample libraries.
* Stereo and Mono Modes.
* Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Palm Mute, Pop, Natural Harmonic, Pinch Harmonic 10 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

* CPC (Customized Parameters Control) – any controller can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
* Double Guitar.
* Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
* Alternate Tuner.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* Grainy – Enhance grainy of attack and produce the random humanization.

AMP Simulator:
* Built-in AMP system, including 6 classic AMP models: Metal Double (modeled on Mesa Boogie Dual), Metal Treble (modeled on Mesa Boogie Triple), Lead 800 (modeled on Marshall JCM800), Jazz 120 (modeled on Roland JC120), 65 Twang (modeled on Fender 65 Twin Reverb) and 57 Delight (modeled on Fender 57 Deluxe).
* 7 matching cabinets:1×12 57D, 2×12 65T, 2×12 120, 4×12 60A, 4×12 60B, 4×12 Ro and 4×12 Ri.
* Each Cabinet has 8 mic options: U87, C414, MD421, SM57, E609, C414 XLS, R121 and M160.
* Room Mics.
* Hundreds presets, each preset featured a riff which users can go to Riffer panel and have a preview.

* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.

* 14 Strum notes + 28 ways to play for every chord.
* Strum Legato – legato articulations can be played while strumming.
* 4 humanization settings.
* Select and Detect 2 chord modes, any chords could be customized.
* Strum SEQ with customized rhythm.
* Delicate presets with MIDI export.

* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.

Tab Reader:
* The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Apple - Final Cut Pro 10.4.9 (Aug 2020)

Redesigned from the ground up, Final Cut Pro combines revolutionary video editing with powerful media organization and incredible performance to let you create at the speed of thought.

Final Cut Pro debuts a powerful collection of new features for professional editors. A strikingly low-profile interface maximizes work space on any display. The new Magnetic Timeline 2 advances even further beyond traditional, track-based editing with automatic color coding and flexible layouts based on roles. The latest Final Cut Pro release also takes full advantage of the new MacBook Pro with support for the Touch Bar and wide color workflows.

Some features require Internet access; fees may apply. Blu-ray recorder required for burning Blu-ray discs. Video output to VR headset requires Mac computer with discrete graphics running macOS 10.14.6. 27-inch iMac with Radeon Pro 580 graphics recommended. HEVC and HEIF support require 10.14.6.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.14.6 | Catalina

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Final Cut Pro 10.4.9

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Ample Sound - Ample Bass Jazz III 3.1.0 (Aug 2020)

Ample Bass J aim to bring the Fender Jazz Bass(John English Masterbuilt) sound to your studio.

* Size: 3.71 GB
* DFD(Direct from disk)
* Rich Fingering Noise
* Sustain, Palm Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Slap, Pop, Tap, Accentuated, Repeat Note, Dead Note 12 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

* CPC(Customized Parameters Control), any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
* Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
* Alternate Tuner & lowest to B.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* Stereo DI Signal.
* Automatic and manual Buzzing system.
AMP system:
* Built-in AMP system, including three classic AMP models: Vintage-15, Bass-500, Bass-Pro.
* 1×15, 2×10, 4×10, 8×10 Four cabinets.
* Each Cabinet has 4 mic options: U87, C414, MD421 and SM57.
* Room Mics.

Riffer 2:
* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.

* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.

Tab Player:
* The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar\bass tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Junior Porciuncula - SYNTHAGE 1.4 KONTAKT (Aug 2020)

It is a “library” developed by “Júnior Porciúncula” [Brazilian] They aim to offer to users. The highest possibile quality. Thus making it impossible to know which sound diference between Synthage and Yamaha Montage, For those who do not have enough money to purchase a real keyboard. The entire base is based on Yamaha Montage, The sounds are all by Yamaha Montage.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]
KONTAKT 6.2.2+
16 bit 11025 kHz stereo

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Ample Sound - Ample Bass Jaco Fretless III v3.1.0 (Aug 2020)

Ample Bass JF aim to bring the Fender Custom Shop Jaco Pastorius Relic Fretless Jazz Bass sound to your studio.

* Size: 2.2 GB
* DFD(Direct from disk)
* Rich Fingering Noise
* Sustain, Palm Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Slap, Pop, Artificial Harmonic, Accentuated, Repeat Note, Dead Note 12 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

* CPC(Customized Parameters Control), any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
* Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
* Alternate Tuner & lowest to B.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* Stereo DI Signal.
* Automatic and manual Buzzing system.
AMP system:
* Built-in AMP system, including three classic AMP models: Vintage-15, Bass-500, Bass-Pro.
* 1×15, 2×10, 4×10, 8×10 Four cabinets.
* Each Cabinet has 4 mic options: U87, C414, MD421 and SM57.
* Room Mics.

Riffer 2:
* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.

* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.

Tab Player:
* The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar\bass tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Ample Sound - Ample Guitar Semi Hollow III v3.1.0 (Aug 2020)

Ample Guitar Semi Hollow is modeled on a Gibson ES 335 semi-hollow body Guitar of Neck pick-up with fingerstyle, it sounds warm and soft, comfortable with Jazz Fusion and Blues.

* Size:5.1 GB
* Finger, Pick two sample libraries.
* Stereo and Mono Modes.
* Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Palm Mute, Pop, Natural Harmonic, Pinch Harmonic 10 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

* CPC (Customized Parameters Control) – any controller can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
* Double Guitar.
* Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
* Alternate Tuner.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* Grainy – Enhance grainy of attack and produce the random humanization.

AMP Simulator:
* Built-in AMP system, including 6 classic AMP models: Metal Double (modeled on Mesa Boogie Dual), Metal Treble (modeled on Mesa Boogie Triple), Lead 800 (modeled on Marshall JCM800), Jazz 120 (modeled on Roland JC120), 65 Twang (modeled on Fender 65 Twin Reverb) and 57 Delight (modeled on Fender 57 Deluxe).
* 7 matching cabinets:1×12 57D, 2×12 65T, 2×12 120, 4×12 60A, 4×12 60B, 4×12 Ro and 4×12 Ri.
* Each Cabinet has 8 mic options: U87, C414, MD421, SM57, E609, C414 XLS, R121 and M160.
* Room Mics.
* Hundreds presets, each preset featured a riff which users can go to Riffer panel and have a preview.

* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.

* 14 Strum notes + 28 ways to play for every chord.
* Strum Legato – legato articulations can be played while strumming.
* 4 humanization settings.
* Select and Detect 2 chord modes, any chords could be customized.
* Strum SEQ with customized rhythm.
* Delicate presets with MIDI export.

* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.
Tab Reader:
* The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Ample Guitar Semi Hollow III v3.1.0 WIN MAC

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Dmitry Sches - Thorn v1.2.2 (Aug 2020)

Thorn is a software synthesizer that was designed to be easy to use and deliver awesome sound. In Thorn, being simple means to be straightforward and provide advanced sonic control at the same time. Intuitive workflow, high quality processing modules, light on the CPU, Thorn is ready to be put at the heart of your mix, in any genre of modern electronic music production.
Features of Dmitry Sches Thorn v1.2.2
Thorn offers 3 oscillators that utilize spectral synthesis method. This gives you control over all harmonics involved into the generation process of your sound. The oscillator provides sets of spectral and real-time effects to shape harmonics further. Of course FM, RM, PWM, Hard Sync implemented too.

Sound sources organized as spectrum tables of 16 frames with ability to edit and morph harmonics. The spectral synthesis gives ability to “post-process” all the generated harmonics with a special filter to colorize the output.

Two multi-mode, analog modeled filters with sensitive saturation stages available to charge your sounds and make it shine through the mix. There are 9 high quality effects, 3x ADSR envelopes, 3x LFOs, 2x multistage envelopes at your service in Thorn. 16-step flexible arpeggiator with MIDI output to generate rhythmic sequences available as well.

Additionally, Thorn provides a grid-based Glitch sequencer for maximum fun. Chop your sounds with the sequencer to get modern glitchy, stuttering effects.

System Requirement
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Steinberg - Cubase Elements 10.5.20 Rev2 eXTender (Aug 2020)

Cubase Elements welcomes you to the world of Cubase, offering a streamlined music production environment with plenty of features that help seize the moment when musical creativity strikes. Sharing the same pristine audio quality as its larger siblings in the Cubase family, Cubase Elements provides the perfect starting point for intuitive song writing, studio-grade recordings and finalizing your mix. Do you want to elevate your sound to a new level? Cubase Elements is your next step.

Follow the flow
Cubase Elements can keep up with the pace with which your ideas flow. Whether you want to record your instruments and vocals or program cutting-edge beats, you will find all the creative tools and features in Cubase Elements that will guarantee an efficient and rewarding workflow. Improve your tracks with professional and precise editing and mixing capabilities and polish you productions with the top-notch channel strip in the integrated MixConsole — just exactly to the standards you expect from a Cubase-line product.

Get your private assistants
Composing music consists of finding an idea that you can elaborate into a full music composition. Cubase Elements makes it easy to harmonize and arrange your music with the innovative and unique Chord Pads and Arranger Track. Regardless whether you’re looking for further inspiration, a quick and easy way to play chords or try out different arrangements, Cubase Elements offers you maximum flexibility combined with a lightweight user interface to refine your ideas and get the best out of your music.

Your sound of music
Stay a step ahead of the rest with powerful instruments and awesome sounds. HALion Sonic SE, Groove Agent SE and Prologue — Cubase Elements provide a vast array of high-end sampled instruments, uplifting acoustic and electronic drums and grooves, state-of-the-art synths and experimental sound design tools. With the acclaimed VST Amp Rack tone suite all the amps you need stand right by your side to give your music that very individual tone.

Features of Steinberg Cubase Elements v10.5.20
  • Award-winning 32-bit floating-point Steinberg audio engine, flexible routing and full automatic delay compensation
  • Simultaneous playback of 48 audio tracks, 64 MIDI tracks and up to 24 physical inputs and outputs
  • MixConsole for pro mixing desk experience and integrated high-end channel strip with dynamics and EQ
  • Three outstanding virtual instruments comprising the HALion Sonic SE workstation, Groove Agent SE drum machine and Prologue synthesizer
  • Over 40 audio effect processors, including high-end VST Dynamics, Pitch Correct for vocal intonation correction and the VST Amp Rack guitar tone suite
  • Powerful sample editor covering all common editing tasks and providing creative freedom while editing audio
  • Chord Track and Chord Pads for playfully and creatively composing with chords
  • Comprehensive content library with thousands of instrument sounds, MIDI construction loops and audio samples
  • Basic score editing features for music notation and composition
  • Full upward compatibility with Cubase Pro and Cubase Artist for seamless upgrading to the next level
Cubase Elements eXTended:
  • Number of audio tracks up to unlimited
  • Number of MIDI tracks up to unlimited
  • Number for instrument tracks up to unlimited
  • Physical inputs and outputs up to 256
  • Group channels up to 256
  • FX return channels up to 64
  • Number insers up to 16
  • Number of included audio effect plugins up to 64
  • Max samplerate up to 384 kHz
  • OMF, AAF, MXF import/export
  • Nuendo project import
  • 5.1 surround
  • ARA2 extension support
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Ample Sound - Ample Bass Acoustic III v3.2.0 (Aug 2020)

Ample Bass Acoustic III is a virtual acoustic bass instrument based on Guild B samples -54 CE Acoustic Bass. ABA has a 4.89GB sample library that is recorded at each fret.

For Windows users :
1. Install the ABA_3_2_0_Installer.exe program
2. Install the Library Installer.exe library (select the directory for installing the library)
3. Run the Activate.exe patch (in the ABA v3.2.0 line, click on the Activate button on the right and in the window that opens also click Activate )
For MacOSX users :
1. Install the ABA_3_2_0_Installer.dmg program
2. Install the ABA_Library_Installer.pkg library (select the directory for installing the library)
3. Run the AS Self-Activator v3.dmg patch (in the ABA v3.2.0 line, click on the Activate button on the right and in in the window that opens, also click Activate )

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Steinberg - SpectraLayers Pro 7.0.10 (Aug 2020)

Steinberg has released a new version of SpectraLayers Pro, designed for editing the spectral content of audio tracks. The application can be used at certain stages of mixing / mastering, as well as for restoring the sound information of tracks.

Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro has a new engine, an improved interface with additional windows, new tools for spectrum editing, a redesigned hint system and support for the ARA format, thanks to which the program can be used in Cubase and Nuendo workstations. The application allows you to change the structure of the audio signal through visual graphical editing. Users can adjust specific areas / portions of the spectrum and draw with special tools.

In total, SpectraLayers offers 22 different tools (sets of brushes, paints, etc.), as well as editors of frequency, amplitude, time. At the same time, the ability to preview the sound, taking into account the changes made for each separate area, is available. Other features include: auto-highlighting, layer creation, a set of effects for signal restoration, ASE compatibility, sound protection from changes, support for integration with Melodyne and WaveLab.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Fuse Audio Labs Bundle (Aug 2020)

A set of plugins (see spoiler Description of plugins ):
  • Bucket-500 v2.1 - Analog Delay
  • DrumsSSX v2.1.1 - Drum Remixer
  • F-59 v2.0.2 - Classic Guitar Amp
  • RS-W2395C v1.0.1 - FREE Neo Classic Baxandall EQ
  • TCS-68 v2.1 - Cassette Tape Channel
  • VCL-25A v2.0.1 - Vintage Vari-MU Leveler
  • VCL-373 v2.1 - Vintage Comp / Limiter
  • VCL-4 v2. 1 - Vintage Opto Leveler
  • VCL-515 v1.0.0 - Vintage Vari MU Limiter
  • VCL-864U v2.1 - Tube Limiter
  • VPB-Bundle v1.0 - Virtual Pedal Board Bundle
  • VPRE-2C v1.0 - Vintage Tube Amplifier
  • VPRE-376 v2 .1 - Vintage Preamp
  • VPRE-562A v2.0.1 - Vintage Tube Amplifier
  • VQA-154 v2.0.1 - American Vintage EQ
  • VQP-258A & VQP-259A bundle v2.0.1 - Vintage Passive EQ
System Requirement
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Audio Damage - Plugins Bundle 20.08.20 (Aug 2020)

Plugin-set consisting of:
Audio Damage AD036 Dubstation2 v2.1.2 - Original delay plugin. Dubstation 2 has become our most popular product and provides a host of new features including dual mode for separate left and right delay time control, ping pong, a new saturation feedback algorithm and LFO. Dubstation has been a plugin for over a decade that has been used on thousands of commercial tracks and for good reason.

Audio Damage AD037 Kombinat Tri v3.0.6 - From gently shaping tones or adding a little sand to completely breaking the waveform, Kombinat Tri is a complete set of sound warfare tools and a complete overhaul of our popular Kombinat series.

Audio Damage AD042 Axonv2.1.3 - Audio Damage has introduced the second version of the powerful Axon drum machine. As a sequencer, Axon 2 uses an engine based on a neural network technology modified by the developers, and therefore allows you to quickly and effortlessly create unusual and fluid rhythmic patterns. The percussion engine here is a 7-voice FM synthesizer with 2 operators for each of the voices.

Audio Damage AD043 Filterstation v2.1.0 is the classic parallel stereo filter that made Sherman Filterbank and its many clones famous. With twelve filter algorithms, a stereo sidechain input envelope, a full FSU section and an easy-to-use interface, Filterstation2 is a valuable addition to any manufacturer's toolbox.

Audio Damage AD049 Ensov1.0.15 - The developers at Audio Damage have released the Enso Looper, inspired by modern pedals and vintage cassette devices. Despite this, the creators claim that the plugin's capabilities are richer than it seems at first glance. We should also mention speed and direction controls, which work both during recording and during playback. For example, you can record a loop much faster than a real game, or even save your game backwards. Panning, accelerating and decelerating audio works in real time. It should be noted that both controls will work even when playing back an already recorded segment and simultaneously recording a new loop.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Digikits - EVOL Workstation v1.0.0 (Aug 2020)

EVOL Workstation is what every music producer has been looking for for a very long time. Thanks to it you will produce even better instrumentals in the style of Trap, Hip-Hop and RnB. This plugin gives you instant inspiration for new sounds that are rare and give you a real boost. Just like our other plugins e.g. Guerilla Nation or Turbo Boost, EVOL plug-in is equipped with basic effects that can complement the perfect sound of prepared high-quality samples.

The plug is susceptible to velocity so it will sound completely different when pressing the keys.

Additionally, we have equipped Moodwheel with a cool option that will add vibrations while playing. Use it to change the vibration intensity.

EVOL Workstation has 100 unique and unusual sounds prepared specially by our team.

There you will find categories such as:
– 808
– Bells
– Brasses
– Basses
– Flutes
– Guitars
– Keys
– Leads
– Organs
– Pads
– Plucks
– Rhodes
– Strings
– Subs
– Synths

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Native Instruments - Massive X v1.3.1 (Aug 2020)


The original Massive, having helped define the sound of modern genres such as dubstep and EDM, became synonymous with an exciting, forward-thinking approach to synthesis that unapologetically embraced its digital DNA. Famous for its intuitive interface and sonic potential – from enormous basslines and soaring leads, to evolving ambient textures – it quickly became a staple part of many production toolkits.

Massive X is Native Instruments’ new flagship synth, built by the same team as its predecessor. Based on a state of the art architecture, it delivers pristine sound, and huge creative flexibility for artists and sound designers alike – allowing them to create, modulate, and experiment with sound from a huge range of sources, in any way they like.

System Requirement
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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Toontrack EZkeys Hybrid Harp v1.0.1 (Aug 2020)

Even though the laws of thermodynamics long ago ruled out the possibility of a perpetual motion machine, EZkeys Hybrid Harp comes very close. The laws of physics may still apply, but fact remains that this peculiar ‘machine’ has an inherent mojo that seems to make sure you’re never short of ideas. It literally runs and feeds off of you and your own imagination.

EZkeys Hybrid Harp presents five individual instruments, all layered, textured and saturated in various capacities to form unique and never-before-heard hybrids of sounds. The undisputed star of the group is an iconic Style 23 harp. In addition to this, a traditional Swedish nyckelharpa (or “keyed fiddle”), two harmoniums, a bowed glockenspiel and a set of ocarinas were sampled. Combined, this seemingly odd group of instruments – that in logical terms have no earthly business sharing the same sonic space – culminate in what must be described as a vastly puzzling audio universe of plucking, percussive, soaring, airy, beautiful and ever-so-slightly dissonant sounds.

Welcome to one of the most multifaceted EZkeys titles yet – one that will trigger parts of your creative mind you didn’t know existed. These are sounds ideal for anything you can imagine. Literally

  • Five types of individually captured instrument types: a harp, a nyckelharpa, two harmoniums, ocarinas and a bowed glockenspiel
  • Each instrument can be called up individually using the ‘Raw Tweaks’ presets
  • In excess of 40 mix-ready presets, offering creative instrument blends of never-before-heard hybrids of sounds
  • For any type of music or production – ideally ambient soundscapes, scores and sound design
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Cymatics CHAOS - Premium Hip Hop Samples (Aug 2020)


CHAOS is officially the largest melody collection created in Cymatics history, with 500 royalty free melodies (stems + MIDI included).

This is our ultimate set of melodies for taking your career as a producer to the highest level possible, allowing you to easily put together hit records that are artist-ready out of the gate.

Overall for Hip Hop producers, this is by far the most diverse & valuable collection of melodies we’ve ever released!

MAYHEM: Premium 808s

The perfect 808 shouldn’t need a ton of processing and effects to make it hit hard.

That’s why we put together this collection of industry standard 808 samples, all key labeled and processed ahead of time, so getting heavy low end is only a click away!
Pairing these with the melodies from CHAOS, and the drums from DOOM & RIOT, you’ll find yourself making hit records with ease.

What we ended up with was the only set of 808’s you’d ever need for creating any type of track that you have in mind.

DOOM: Hip-Hop Drum Kit

DOOM is easily one of our highest quality drum packs to date, with some of the hardest hitting one shots to bring your tracks to life!

This pack contains tons of heavy punching kicks, crisp snares and claps, sharp hi-hats, percs, fx, and more.

We tailored this pack to supply you with the ultimate set of drums for creating placement ready beats, alongside the premium melodies in CHAOS.
No more endlessly searching for the right drum sound, because everything you need is in this one collection, pre-processed and ready to go!

KARMA: Premium Analog Melodies

Classic synthesizers have always been untouchable when it comes to the amount of character and emotion that they are able to convey.

And a lot of the industry’s biggest producers use them all the time, resulting in a completely unique sound that resonates in some of the biggest records to date.
So to pair perfect with CHAOS, we put together this collection of amazing synth samples to make your production stand out from the rest!

These melodies were creating using the same hardware as LEGENDS!

RIOT: Hip-Hop Drum Loops

Our team of producers crafted some of the most industry ready Hip-Hop drum loops we’ve ever put out.

RIOT comes loaded with full drum loops, hi-hat loops, percussion loops, top loops, and more!
The loops are all drag and drop ready for optimizing efficiency in a session, and not to mention, every loop comes pre-processed to sound amazing out of the box.

These drums are perfectly paired to the melodies in CHAOS, and are great for creating a new idea in no time!

CHAOS Hip-Hop Mixing Course

We surveyed our community of producers and asked what producers wanted to improve on the most in their production…

And the majority of producers said that mixing was their biggest issue.
So we put together a course for mixing your tracks to an industry ready quality, with one of our top producers!

This is the ultimate cherry on top of the rest of CHAOS, perfect for making your tracks as professional as possible!
CHAOS Platinum Expansion

This pack is a limited expansion of CHAOS, with exclusive melodies that we won’t release anywhere else ever again!

The CHAOS Platinum Expansion pairs perfectly with the main pack, giving you tons of more melodies to work with.

This is easily the most industry ready expansion pack that we’ve ever put together, loaded with a variety of amazing placement ready samples to work with.

You’ll also have the ultimate creative freedom to break down each melody, piece by piece to its original stems.

So take advantage of this one-time opportunity to get the CHAOS Platinum Expansion while you still can!

CHAOS: Premium Hip Hop Samples
· 500 Melodies
· 500 MIDIs
· 1762 Loop Stems

CHAOS Platinum Expansion
· 50 Melodies
· 50 MIDIs
· 175 Loop Stems

MAYHEM: Premium 808s
· 30 808s

DOOM: Hip-Hop Drum Kit
· 21 Claps
· 12 Crashes
· 22 FX
· 16 Hihats Closed
· 11 Hihats Open
· 20 Kicks
· 46 Percussion
· 11 Rimshots
· 7 Snaps
· 13 Snares

KARMA: Premium Analog Melodies
· 20 Loops
· 20 MIDIs
· 85 Loop Stems

RIOT: Hip-Hop Drum Loops
· 15 Full Drum Loops
· 20 Hihat Loops
· 19 Hihat MIDI
· 17 Percussion Loops

CHAOS Hip-Hop Mixing Course
· 10 Part Video Course

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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PreSonus - Symphonic Orchestra (Aug 2020)


PSO sports samples from an impressive range of instruments (contrabassoon, anyone?), but I want to direct your attention particularly to the percussion presets, which really go above and beyond in this regard. PSO presets are found in the PSO Classic Orchestra or PSO Contemporary Strings folders on the Instruments tab of the browser, and the percussion presets are in the subfolder PSO Classic Orchestra / PSO Classic Percussion.

Start with the two Orchestral Percussion presets in the PSO Percussion Sets subfolder, each of which has different things to offer. Orchestral Percussion 1 is set up like most drum and percussion presets, with a different sound per key, but the preset includes a full octave and a half of gong and ethnic cymbal sounds. Orchestral Percussion 2, in contrast, uses keyswitching to select an individual sound to spread across the whole keyboard. No fewer than six different temple block sounds are on tap. Carefully mixing and matching between them could get you very realistic temple blocks (which are, after all, a rich and fun instrument).

Numerous other percussion presets present everything from bamboo chimes to Japanese bowls. Many of these exotic sounds are as useful as source material (read: cannon fodder) for sound design as they are used literally. In the PSO Classic Percussion folder you will also find additional non-percussion sounds hiding, specifically Orchestral FX presets, with falls, growls, squeals and all manner of extended techniques. Again, if you dig in here, you’ll find a lot just under the surface.
When a tonal instrument preset loads, the samples are restricted to the pitch range appropriate for the instrument loaded. This simplifies realistic orchestration, as it enforces instrument ranges. On the other hand, it also hampers your ability to abuse a sample by playing it far outside its natural range.

PreSonus - Symphonic Orchestra:
  • Compatible with Studio One Prime, Artist, and Professional (version 3.3.4 or higher)
  • More than 14 GB of samples with over 300 instrument presets
  • Includes more than 1,200 royalty-free Musicloops for quick and easy arranging
  • Multiple key-switch articulations per instrument
  • Expression control and custom legato scripting
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Native Instruments - Kontakt 6 v6.3.2 (Aug 2020)


With KONTAKT 6, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the world’s favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imagine.

Native Instruments - Kontakt 6 v6.3.2 (Aug 2020):
  • Bug fix
  • FIXED Kontakt would crash in certain edge cases with some libraries
  • FIXED The AET filter was not working correctly
  • FIXED Kontakt 6.3.1 would crash with scripts containing KSP errors
  • IMPROVED The MIDI Monitor factory KSP script now also monitors release velocity
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Xfer Serum v1.30b6 and FX Update (Aug 2020)


The dream synthesizer did not seem to exist: a wavetable synthesizer with a truly high-quality sound, visual and creative workflow-oriented interface to make creating and altering sounds fun instead of tedious, and the ability to “go deep” when desired – to create / import / edit / morph wavetables, and manipulate these on playback in real-time.

Features of Xfer Serum v1.30b6
Playback of wavetables requires digital resampling to play different frequencies. Without considerable care and a whole lot of number crunching, this process will create audible artifacts. Artifacts mean that you are (perhaps unknowingly) crowding your mix with unwanted tones / frequencies. Many popular wavetable synthesizers are astonishingly bad at suppressing artifacts – even on a high-quality setting some create artifacts as high as -36 dB to -60 dB (level difference between fundamental on artifacts) which is well audible, and furthermore often dampening the highest wanted audible frequencies in the process, to try and suppress this unwanted sound. In Serum, the native-mode (default) playback of oscillators operates with an ultra high-precision resampling, yielding an astonishingly inaudible signal-to-noise (for instance, -150 dB on a sawtooth played at 1 Khz at 44100)! This requires a lot of calculations, so Serum’s oscillator playback has been aggressively optimized using SSE2 instructions to allow for this high-quality playback without taxing your CPU any more than the typical (decent quality) soft synth already does. Load up Serum and we think you’ll be able to notice both what you hear (solid high frequencies, extending flat all the way up to the limits of hearing) as well as what you don’t hear (no unwanted mud or aliasing gibberish- just good, clean sound).

The modulation system allows for drag and drop connections between mod sources and destinations. Want an LFO controlling a filter cutoff? Simply drag the LFO title to the cutoff knob. This LFO->Filter connection will now appear in the Mod Matrix as well. In other words, you have two views/approaches for creating and modifying your modulations: sometimes a list is nice, other times you just want the job done fast and easy.

In addition to moving through the set of wavetables (up to 256 make up a single oscillator), you can manipulate the waveform itself in a separate realtime process referred to as Warp. This allows for FM/AM/RM/Oscillator Sync and many other ways to modify the waveform, including “Remap” modes – a graph editor for drawing your own custom table manipulations.

Serum includes all of the filter types found in LFOTool in addition to some brand-new ones. Flangers, Phasers, and Comb filters all of which can key-track to the musical note you play. Dual filter types let you control or morph between filter types. Get creative with atypical processes for filters such as downsampling, or the unique filter types found nowhere before, such as the dirty-sounding French LPF.

An effects rack with 10 effects modules lets you get your sound all the way to the finish line inside Serum. Effects can be re-ordered to any configuration you want. Virtually all effect parameters are also available as modulation destinations. This is especially useful on monophonic synth sounds. For example, apply an LFO to control reverb size or dry/wet, or velocity to control distortion amount. Many of these effects and modes were built just for Serum, so there are many unique effects to choose from, such as Hyper, which simulates (additional) unison amounts, or a dual-waveshaper which allows for a distortion you can morph between two separate wave shapes.

Serum will let you stack a single oscillator to use up to 16 voices. Each of the wavetable oscillators have a number of unison advanced parameters. Stack settings allow for note (e.g. octave) layering to get a fuller sound for a single note-press. Set the unison voices to all have their unique waveform at once with the Unison WT Pos setting, or have them all skewed in a different way with the unison Warp control. A variety of unison tuning modes per-oscillator let you get the stack sound blooming or swarming like you want.
System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [32-bit | 64-bit]

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Presonus - Studio One 5 Professional 5.0.1 (Aug 2020)


PreSonus has announced the upcoming major DAW update PreSonus Studio One 5 to mark the 10th anniversary of the music recording software. According to the developers, the fifth version of the popular program "brings together user needs and our sense of innovation."

Among the new features of the program, there are new functions that will be useful to performers, composers and producers. For example, performers will receive a new Show Page, and composers will receive an updated Score Editor. In addition, all stock plugins in Studio One 5 will receive a completely new interface designed to make interaction with them easier and more efficient. It will not do without new treatments and effects.

The program will also include synchronization with MIDI timecodes, a special bus for listening to the Listen Bus and new AUX channels. The developers promise to add envelopes for clips, Keyswitch articulations and extended scenes in the mixer.

What's new in PreSonus Studio One 5
The new Show Page performers' workspace combines the ability to play back tracks and work with virtual instruments in a single window. Channel Strips, mixdowns and virtual instruments can be exported directly to the Show Page. Setlists with the ability to change the order and skip files will also appear here.

Show Page will get its own full-screen window with a responsive interface and controls that change the scene in real time. According to the developers, live sets in the new mode will become simple and flexible, regardless of what you are working with - with backing tracks, effects or virtual instruments.

Especially for composers and arrangers, the developers have created a new Score View in the music editor. The mode repeats the one in the PreSonus Notion score editor. Score View can work in a separate window or in split screen mode with Piano View and Drum View modes. This allows users to use Score View on one track and Piano / Drum View on another to independently edit the score. Score View is equipped with basic musical symbols. According to the press release, notes can be entered manually, in real time or in step recording mode.

In terms of native stock effects and plugins, PreSonus Studio One 5 will offer an updated interface for all treatments. Externally, the plugins will become cleaner, and will also receive a light and dark theme, which you can switch between independently. In addition, all plugins will acquire a number of new features.

So, for example, dynamic effects in Studio One 5 received sidechain inputs. Filter plugins have learned to filter the signal at the sidechain inputs, which gives more control over the sidechain signal. Drive treatments now have a State Space Modeled section for natural analog signal saturation. Equalizer Pro EQ received a linear-phase cut filter, a new option for displaying signal information, as well as input and output signal level meters with additional settings.

Especially for producers, the developers have expanded the functionality of the scenes in the mixer. The DAW now allows you to save snapshots of all mixer settings at any time, while there are several options for recalling snapshots. For example, producers can pull the settings of only individual tracks from each shot, and combine them with the current parameters of the tracks in the project.

Also, a special Listen Bus appeared in the mixer, which allows monitoring the signal through an independent output channel. The same bus can be used for A / B-check of the mix: users can place any plug-ins on it without worrying about critical changes in the sound of the composition.

Other interesting innovations include the Clip Gain Envelopes function, which provides an additional layer of gain control for the audio clip. According to the developers, the function is useful for correcting too loud or weak sections of audio files without using dynamic processors.

In the fifth version of DAW, the AUX inputs will be able to accept external audio sources. Thanks to this, third-party real instruments will work without a separate channel in the project, and interacting with them in DAW will resemble working with virtual instruments. The developers also note that Studio One 5 will learn to record audio in 64-bit WAV, will receive full support for MIDI MPE and MIDI Poly Pressure, MIDI timecodes. The program will add cross-platform support for hardware graphics acceleration.

System Requirement
Windows 10 ONLY [64-bit]

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Celemony - Melodyne Studio 5 v5.0.2.003 (Aug 2020)


Melodyne lets you work with audio in an entirely new way. One that is musical, nifty, crystal-clear and almost magical. Working with Melodyne is like being able to say to a singer “hold this note a bit longer” or to a pianist “give slightly less weight to the third in this chord” - hours, weeks, even years after the recording session. The fantastic editing possibilities, the outstanding sound quality and the intuitive and musical operation make Melodyne an incomparable tool without which it would be hard to imagine modern music production.

Multitrack Note Editing
With Melodyne 4 studio, you can work on an unlimited number of tracks – even with DNA Direct Note Access for polyphonic material. Multitrack editing has one very important advantage: you can see and edit the notes of as many tracks as you like simultaneously. The harmonies, melodies and rhythms of your project can all be viewed in context. And you can reach into this plastic image of the music, select notes and modify them, regardless of which tracks they belong to. This works not only in stand-alone mode but also in the plug-in. On all DAW tracks with the Melodyne 4 studio plug-in inserted. Never before has the musical interplay of multiple tracks been as readily observed or intuitively edited.

New tempo intelligence
Melodyne 4’s new tempo algorithms detect tempos, time signatures and any changes in tempo more accurately than ever before. Melodyne 4 tracks precisely the tempo of a live recording, with all its human inconstancy. The ensuing click keeps time with the musicians, not the other way around. And still, you enjoy all the practical benefits of a beat-based grid when working in your DAW.
Furthermore, you can curb excessive wandering in tempo without ironing-out the minor fluctuations that lend charm to a live performance. You can also synchronize recordings with quite different tempos or variations in tempo. Melodyne 4 makes working with tempo dead simple, letting you work with greater freedom, in new ways.

For polyphonic instruments too
You can also use Melodyne for polyphonic recordings. Thanks to our patented DNA Direct Note Access technology, with Melodyne 4 you can edit not only vocals and monophonic instruments but also polyphonic ones like pianos and guitars – right down to the individual notes within chords. Turn major into minor, a quiet third into a loud one, chords into arpeggios. Explore hitherto unknown avenues for creativity.

Track-transcending macros
In Melodyne 4 studio, the macros are even more useful because they are not confined to a single track. Select notes from as many tracks as you like and correct their intonation or timing in one go. Furthermore, synchronizing tracks is particularly easy: just define one track as the quantization master and sync all the other tracks to it.

The world of scales and tunings
Melodyne 4 allows you to work with whatever scales and tunings you like, including exotic or experimental ones. Unusual scale structures and irregular tuning are often important musical parameters that ought not to be ironed out. For this reason, Melodyne 4 supports every conceivable scale or tuning system, allowing you to handle the nuances of each musical genre with sensitivity.
You can also define and edit scales and tuning systems, as well as analyze those found in existing audio material.

Dynamic just intonation
Melodyne 4’s just intonation adds transparency and penetration to the sound. Whether you’re working on an orchestral, choral or synthesizer recording, you’ll find justly tuned chords sound smoother and more powerful. Give your production the benefit of this unique acoustic impression.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [ 64-bit]

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Ample Sound - Ample Guitar AGVC v3.1.0 (Aug 2020)

* CPC (Customized Parameters Control) – any controller can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
* Double Guitar.
* Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
* Alternate Tuner.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* Grainy – Enhance grainy of attack and produce the random humanization.

AMP Simulator:
* Built-in AMP system, including 6 classic AMP models: Metal Double (modeled on Mesa Boogie Dual), Metal Treble (modeled on Mesa Boogie Triple), Lead 800 (modeled on Marshall JCM800), Jazz 120 (modeled on Roland JC120), 65 Twang (modeled on Fender 65 Twin Reverb) and 57 Delight (modeled on Fender 57 Deluxe).
* 7 matching cabinets:1×12 57D, 2×12 65T, 2×12 120, 4×12 60A, 4×12 60B, 4×12 Ro and 4×12 Ri.
* Each Cabinet has 8 mic options: U87, C414, MD421, SM57, E609, C414 XLS, R121 and M160.
* Room Mics.
* Hundreds presets, each preset featured a riff which users can go to Riffer panel and have a preview.

* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.

* 14 Strum notes + 28 ways to play for every chord.
* Strum Legato – legato articulations can be played while strumming.
* 4 humanization settings.
* Select and Detect 2 chord modes, any chords could be customized.
* Strum SEQ with customized rhythm.
* Delicate presets with MIDI export.

* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.

Tab Reader:
* The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [ 64-bit]

Via Torrent

Ample Guitar AGVC v3.1 WIN MAC

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Ample Sound - Ample Bass Yinyang v3.1.0 (Aug 2020)


Ample Bass Yinyang aim to bring the Fodera Yinyang Bass sound to your studio.

Features of Ample Sound Ample Bass Yinyang v3.1.0
* Size: 5.1 GB
* DFD(Direct from disk)
* Rich Fingering Noise
* Sustain, Palm Mute, Natural Harmonic, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Slap, Pop, Tap, Accentuated, Repeat Note, Dead Note 12 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.
* CPC(Customized Parameters Control), any button knob etc can be controlled by MIDI CC or Automation.
* Poly Legato and Slide Smoother.
* Alternate Tuner & lowest to B.
* Multiple Capo Logics – providing various options of automatic fingering logic to cover different performance such as solo, chorus, and so on.
* Stereo DI Signal.
* Automatic and manual Buzzing system.
AMP system:
* Built-in AMP system, including three classic AMP models: Vintage-15, Bass-500, Bass-Pro.
* 1×15, 2×10, 4×10, 8×10 Four cabinets.
* Each Cabinet has 4 mic options: U87, C414, MD421 and SM57.
* Room Mics.
Riffer 2:
* String Roll Editor: can clearly show fingering, articulation, expression, and even playing noise. Every note has 8 attributes – pitch, velocity, length, off velocity, articulation, legato, vibrato and bend, with which you can make a delicate lick.
* Dice – Random Riff Generator: A click will create a new inspiration because it is not simply a random algorithm. Rather, it summarizes the rules through analyzing a bunch of music scores.
* Multiple selection and operation, undo and redo etc. multiple MIDI tools, including fixed velocity, length legato and restrict, select, move, draw, erase, split, glue etc.
* High order 8-band EQ, intuitive control of frequency response, real-time visualization of input and output spectrum, support of soloing single band..
* 2-Line Compressor, real-time visualization of input and output signal, two detection modes RMS & Peak, support of soft knee, auto release and auto makeup.
* 6-Tap Echo, real-time visualization of the processing of stereo signal, can tweak the parameters of 6 echo points individually: feedback, pan, volume etc.
* IR Reverb, providing four types of IR: Room, Studio, Hall, and Larger Hall. 3D visualization of IR spectrum.
Tab Player:
* The Tab Player can load and play several prevalent guitar\bass tablature file formats. Users can load, display and playback any specific track inside a tablature file. When used in DAWs, the Tab Player also allows users to export the tablature as an audio file.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

Via Torrent

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Ample Sound - Ample Guitar Metal Hellrazer v3.1.0 (Aug 2020)


Ample Sound (Beijing Ample Sound Technology Co. Ltd), founded by Kane Kang, Shaoduo Xie and Jie Chen in 2011, is devoted to music technology products development. Ample Guitar L II aim to bring the Acoustic Guitar Martin sound to your studio.

  • Size:5.83 GB
  • Strum, Finger two Instrument libraries.
  • DFD technology (Direct from Disk)
  • Stereo and Mono Modes.
  • Controllable Resonance Sound.
  • Rich Fingering Sound.
  • Sustain, Hammer On & Pull Off, Legato Slide, Slide in & out, Palm Mute, Pop, Natural Harmonic, 9 articulations, Legato at random length & pitch & poly.

System Requirement
Mac OS X 10.11 | 10.12 | 10.13 | 10.14 | Catalina
Windows 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10 [64-bit]

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